Iman is excited to celebrate Eid with her family and friends. She just can't wait to wear her new gharara, eat sheer khorma and collect eidi. Iman's story will resonate with all the children who celebrate Eid.
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Our Review
It has henna, bangles, eidi and sheer khorma – what’s not to love!!! The story is told in english and then in roman-urdu at the bottom.
This eid-al-fitr story begins with Iman being sad that Ramadan has ended but at the same time is excited for the eid festivities to begin. Then it’s about the little things that makes Eid enjoyable for kids – new clothes with matching shoes, a special eid dessert called sheer khorma, a special eid breakfast with kebabs, chat patay aloo and parathas! (yes it made me hungry reading it!!!) putting on colorful bangles, and wishing that the henna turns dark red! The next after Eid prayer, Dada Jaan bought the children balloons, and then Imans cousins came over to visit. After everyone had wished each other Eid Mubarak, the most awaited part is included – getting Eidi from the elders! After that Dada Jaan calls all the kids to ask them to share one thing they had learnt during ramadan. This is where the kids share what Ramadan is about – “patience and gratitude,” “sharing and giving charity” and “helping others”. Dada jaan is happy with all the answers and the kids go play hide and seek. The story ends with Iman falling asleep happily with her bangles still on her wrists and Eidi envelopes next to her pillow!
Overall it’s a unique book where the story is told so well in both english and roman urdu. The book doesn’t have any sunnahs or religious aspects, and focuses more on the cultural aspect of how Pakistani’s generally spend eid day. It’s a book kids would want to take into school for story time to share with others about Eid as well as celebrate their cultural identity! This definitely becomes a must have for a diverse library and may encourage children to learn Urdu!
*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.